Market your business in the new normal
Market your business in the new normal
Now the storm has passed and the rain is here to stay, it’s time to get out and dance in it. As we emerge from the pandemic, one of your key business focusses should be on how your company has adapted to the challenges presented by COVID-19 and the new normal.
Does your digital footprint tell prospective customers about your business, its culture, its products and offerings in 2021? Do you have recent reviews, an update on how to access your services in a safe way, and most importantly, do you understand how the habits of your target audience have changed?
If your answer is no, start here. We’ll go over three key steps to take so you can adapt your digital marketing strategy for the new normal.
Review your customer’s needs
First, you need to understand how your consumers’ behaviours have shifted due to coronavirus. Undoubtedly, our priorities and how we spend our money has changed. Determine how by looking at the metrics – if your Google analytics is set up correctly it will give you all the answers.
Track consumer behaviour and crucially, look at conversions, not traffic volume. What’s important is to identify where prospective customers are turning into sales. So your mission critical task should be to get tracking codes and conversion goals on your website analytics before you start working on anything else.
Understand your first point of contact
The way customers find you is likely to have pivoted. Although brick and mortar shops are open again, e-commerce is booming. Knowing where your customer journey begins means you know where to maximise your online presence. Start with search, not social. Focus on search engines whether that’s Google, Pinterest, YouTube, or one of the many other routes.
With more companies online than ever before, it’s important that you aren’t losing customers to competition because of your first impression. Your best referral source may be your worst sales channel. I’ve just had to inform one of my new clients that they’re paying £1 for every 80p earned from one of their paid search channels. They simply hadn’t checked the first visited source to see how their clients first heard about them and it wasn’t their paid ads. Rather than blindly continuing based on looking at last click conversion data they can now focus on building other more successful approaches to their marketing.
Work smart not hard
The most successful business managers don’t want to be busy, they want to achieve desired outcomes. They seek impartial expert opinion in order to progress. It’s like building a house, having the right contractors to specify every detail creates solid foundations and reduces risk. Not having to do a task twice by getting it right the first time accelerates the build and assures the success of the project – and in our ever-changing new reality, taking steps to secure our business’ future is of prime importance.
So, you should basically use the same approach to building your business asset. Widen your view of what your customers are doing in their new lived experiences of seeking your products or services. Sort out the growth opportunities and what could damage the potential success of your business build. Ask yourself; what are you wasting precious time, resources and money on? How could you make better, faster, more effective progress? What’s guiding your marketing decision priorities?
Success is what happens when preparation is combined with action – planning first, then acting. Using your time and energy as effectively as you possibly can. For you, this might look like working with a marketing consultant, or carrying out market research to ensure you future-proof your business.
In conclusion
We’re still in challenging times and need to elevate our business across multiple channels to ensure we stand out. To do this you need to be at your productive best. Be specific about exactly where growth will come from. Do the research. Get the advice. Look at the numbers. And if everything stacks up, act.
And finally, stay safe.
Some great tips on marketing your business during COVID-19. Do you feel inspired to re-invigorate your digital marketing strategy? Remember, good marketing requires a balanced mix of relevant marketing channels aimed at your perfect target audience.
If you crave support and clarity from a highly experienced, independent Marketing Consultant who can advise on what you should and should not be doing, help you grow your business and attract the customers you deserve, please GET IN TOUCH.